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COBISS Кооперирана онлайн библиографска система и услуги



The manual includes all updates from the first printed version of the manual published in August 2005 onwards. Its content corresponds with the COBISS3, V6.10-00 software, and is also valid for the future software versions until it is either withdrawn, or another electronic version is published.

© IZUM, content last updated: January 2017, Engl. Transl.: February 2017

Complete manual[9,2 MB]

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Parts of the manual:

Title page[135 KB]CONTENTS[131 KB]PREFACE[112 KB]ABOUT THE MANUAL[97 KB]1 INTRODUCTION[107 KB]2 DEFINING MATERIAL[92 KB]2.1 Relationship between material and bibliographic record[142 KB]2.2 Entering the material[150 KB]2.3 Changing the relationship between the holdings data and the bibliographic record[73 KB]2.4 Deleting the material[73 KB]3 PURCHASE OF SERIALS[97 KB]3.1 Selecting the serials to be ordered[97 KB]3.2 Ordering serials[305 KB]3.3 Next period or volume[205 KB]3.4 Cancelling an order and sending an order cancellation[100 KB]3.5 Closing check-in[95 KB]3.6 Prepaying serials[141 KB]3.7 Paying for serials[211 KB]3.8 General procedures[177 KB]4 UNSOLICITED PUBLICATIONS[91 KB]4.1 Entering a list of unsolicited publications[173 KB]4.2 Deleting a list of unsolicited publications[78 KB]4.3 Closing the entry of a list of unsolicited publications[156 KB]4.4 Preparing fields 997 for the next volume[66 KB]4.5 Adding an item for supplement[66 KB]4.6 Closing check-in[66 KB]4.7 Submitting and sending a letter of thanks to the donor[74 KB]4.8 General procedures[67 KB]5 ACQUIRING SAMPLE COPIES[86 KB]5.1 Preparing a sample copy request[166 KB]5.2 Submitting and sending a request[93 KB]5.3 Receiving material[96 KB]5.4 Returning material to the supplier[92 KB]5.5 General procedures[66 KB]6 PUBLICATION PATTERN[67 KB]7 SERIALS CHECK-IN[70 KB]8 SENDING SERIALS[90 KB]8.1 Defining copies of serials to be sent[94 KB]8.2 Serials check-in, editing a publication pattern and preparing a shipment of serials[180 KB]8.3 Deleting a shipment of serials[74 KB]8.4 Submitting and sending a shipment with a list of serials[95 KB]8.5 Next period or volume[88 KB]8.6 General procedures[67 KB]9 CLAIMS[85 KB]9.1 Preparing a claim[168 KB]9.2 Submitting and sending a claim[97 KB]9.3 Closing a claim[86 KB]9.4 General procedures[66 KB]10 OVERVIEW OF EVENTS[90 KB]11 OTHER PROCEDURES[88 KB]11.1 Maintaining data about partners[71 KB]11.2 Maintaining data about funds[189 KB]11.3 Setting up counters[110 KB]11.4 Preparing an item template[101 KB]12 LINKS TO OTHER MODULES AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASES[86 KB]12.1 COBISS3/Acquisitions[87 KB]12.2 COBISS3/Holdings[94 KB]12.3 COBISS3/Loan, COBISS2/Loan[71 KB]12.4 COBISS3/Reports[87 KB]12.5 COBISS3/Application administration[73 KB]12.6 Bibliographic databases[78 KB]Appendix A - OVERVIEW OF PROCEDURES AND STATUSES[91 KB]A.1 Purchase of serials[136 KB]A.2 Purchase of serials – record of invoices[137 KB]A.3 Purchase of serials – record of advances and indirect cost invoices[142 KB]A.4 Unsolicited publications[129 KB]A.5 Acquiring sample copies[78 KB]A.6 Sending serials[82 KB]A.7 Claims[133 KB]Appendix B - REPORTS[74 KB]B.1 Creating reports[117 KB]B.2 Report variables[165 KB]Appendix C - REPORT FORMS[68 KB]C.1 Addressing guidelines[69 KB]C.2 Bibliographic description of material and other data[107 KB]C.3 Sample reports[308 KB]Appendix D - LISTS[72 KB]D.1 List of reports[84 KB]D.2 Entering input parameters for report creation[94 KB]D.3 Description of individual reports[80 KB]Appendix E - USE OF FINANCIAL MEANS[74 KB]E.1 List of reports[92 KB]E.2 Entering input parameters for report creation[99 KB]E.3 Description of individual reports[189 KB]E.4 Sample reports[660 KB]Appendix F - STATISTICS[73 KB]F.1 List of reports[86 KB]F.2 Selecting data for report creation[87 KB]F.3 Entering parameters for report creation[98 KB]F.4 Description of individual reports[209 KB]F.5 Sample reports[528 KB]Publisher data[76 KB]

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